有心人 有情人

星期日, 9月 28, 2008

星期美點 WEEK 39(21/9 ~ 27/9)

  • 8號風球下又早放了個零鐘, 感覺上今年打風放假的日子破哂紀錄, 至少有三四次, 絕對是一件好事
  • 《G1 Jocky》又出了新版, 對應Wii Fit塊板, 不過唔多見有舖頭入貨, 揾咗兩日都揾唔到, 最後終於在黃金找到, 盛惠$380, 好貴又未有時間玩
  • 行運一條龍, 連趕三份report without any query, 艱難過玩過三關
  • 笑料一則, 香港人以誐傳誐的羊群心態勁到變國際笑料, 好彩年初cut埋BEA account, 唔係自己隨時成為其中一羊

    SEPTEMBER 24, 2008, 7:50 A.M. ET

    Bank of East Asia Depositors
    Queue for Funds after Rumors

    HONG KONG -- Depositors swarmed Bank of East Asia Ltd. branches to withdraw funds Wednesday, following text-message rumors about the lender's stability that sent its shares sharply lower despite firm denials by the bank and Hong Kong's top financial regulators.

    "I can confirm, categorically, the rumors are totally unfounded," Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Joseph Yam told reporters. Bank of East Asia offices stayed open late to give customers their money.

    Mr. Yam said Bank of East Asia was highly capitalized and highly liquid, with minimal exposure to the troubles at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., the former Wall Street powerhouse being dismantled in U.S. bankruptcy court. Mr. Yam said depositors are well protected throughout Hong Kong's banking system.

    Bank of East Asia executives said text message rumors about instability at the lender, Hong Kong's fifth largest by assets, began circulating Monday. The bank informed the HKMA and Hong Kong police but initially didn't go public to deny the rumors because executives feared that would lead to panic withdrawals.

    "The rumors took various forms," said Bank of East Asia's deputy chief executive, Joseph Pang, at a news conference. "Some said the company's financials were problematic, and others said the government is about to take over our bank. Some others said there is a 10,000 Hong Kong dollars (US$1,282) limit to each withdrawal. All of these are baseless."

    Hong Kong Financial Secretary John Tsang also came to the bank's defense, calling the rumors "unfounded" and saying Hong Kong's banking system is well capitalized and sound.

    Bank of East Asia's shares fell as much as 11.3% in the early afternoon, but the losses were pared after the bank and the HKMA denied the rumors. The blue-chip lender closed 6.8% lower at HK$25.60, on a day when the benchmark Hang Seng Index rose 0.9%.

    Bank of East Asia posted statements in branch windows proclaiming it was sound. Some depositors read the statements and accepted the assurance, so they left without withdrawing money. Others didn't believe the bank and said they would take out their life's savings.

    The Lehman bankruptcy stirred protests earlier in Hong Kong by individual investors in mini-bonds who had believed their money was safe but instead suffered losses.

    "After the Lehman Brothers incident...sentiment has become very fragile," said a businessman outside a bank branch who identified himself only by the surname Chan. "So whenever there's any sign of difficulty in another financial institution, they'd come lining up to withdraw their money," said Mr. Chan, who had come to the bank for a routine transaction but gave up because of the long lines.

    A mainland Chinese depositor, holding a bag and identifying himself as Mr. Zhang, said he had withdrawn HK$1 million. "I came down from mainland China this morning to get some money out of my account," Mr. Zhang said outside the bank's headquarters, with a line of depositors stretching around the block.

    "I wasn't aware of the news Bank of East Asia is in trouble, I just wanted to get some money out. I came to get around HK$40,000, but when I realized the situation with the bank, I got HK$400,000." Asked why he had just lowered the amount of money he claimed was in the bag, Mr. Zhang said: "I don't want to get robbed."

    A policeman on duty outside the bank to maintain order echoed concerns that some of the people making big withdrawals could be taking a risk by carrying so much cash. But many were willing to take that risk.

    "I have worked eight years and put all my money into BEA," said a woman in the line who wouldn't give her name. "I don't want to lose all my savings."

    BEA's Mr. Pang said that despite the long lines, the amount withdrawn was "really small" because "those who queued up are mom and pop depositors." Mr. Pang didn't give an amount but said "no corporate clients have demanded withdrawals."

    Mr. Pang said the bank's capital adequacy ratio of 14.6% was well above required levels.

    Mr. Yam said the HKMA, Hong Kong's de facto central bank, would be ready to provide liquidity to Bank of East Asia if needed, but that no such request had been made.

    Mr. Pang said Bank of East Asia's exposure to Lehman and American International Group Inc., the insurer that was bailed out by the U.S. Federal Reserve, came to HK$472.7 million in total, or just 0.12% of the bank's HK$396.6 billion total assets.

    Mr. Pang said the rumors didn't appear to have been "malicious" but he wouldn't discuss them further. Mr. Yam said he had no details about the rumors and would let the Hong Kong police investigate.

    Hong Kong police said in a statement the case was under investigation but no one had been arrested. The police said that transmitting "a false message" in Hong Kong can be a crime.

    Fund managers said the speed with which a few text messages could have escalated to a bank run reflects the current jittery climate that has gripped financial markets, with no end in sight.

    "Hong Kong's regulation over banks is really tight, so the chances of having a bank go bust is very slim," said Francis Lun, a general manager with Fulbright Securities. "The problem is that there were recent instances where big, global banks vanished overnight, so every one just got panicky."
    —Robert Li, Jackie Cheung and Chester Yung contributed to this article.
  • 高登友果然好建議, 大學分行都諗到, 唔知離島區分行又如何?







    來源:東亞銀行分行資料 (分行名稱和地址)

  • Inter 1-0 Leece
    Cruz 79 min 有士哥
    J辛的第600場代表國米比賽, 值得致敬
  • Sony 都幾得, 4月中已經買咗的MP3到25/9至收到到貨通知, 都唔知好嬲定好笑?


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  • 美X火煱新的北海道牛奶勁辣湯底, 有牛奶味不過食唔到辣味, 不過不失啦!

星期三, 9月 24, 2008

星期美點 WEEK 38(14/9 ~ 20/9)

  • 中秋節晚上三十三度下山長水遠走去天水圍有叉用BBQ, 真係......, 交通不便要打的入去已經夠死, 入到去啲燈光少到以為自己去咗郊野公園, 黑到睇唔到自己食緊乜, 所以不便評論食物水準, 因為都唔知自己食緊乜, 其實NT電費好貴咩? 黑成咁搵鬼去
  • 才第二場意甲罷了, 口水戰已經如此精彩, 今年國米值得留意


  • 雷曼正式破產, 股價表現高台插水, 可謂當世奇觀, 百年老店如此收場確令人唏噓, 襟兄弟AIG即時都無咗一半市值, 果然係夠兄弟, stock market瞬息萬變, 兄弟都無面俾無情講

    Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
    (Public, NYSE:LEH)
    -3.47 (-95.20%)

    American International Group, Inc.
    (Public, NYSE:AIG)
    -6.91 (-56.92%)
  • 在HKU SPACE的第一堂ACCA P2 lesson, 感覺上像遊雲一樣, 阿蛇講嘢一輪嘴不停講, 完全無俾時間人去思考, 仲要做我至弱的consolidation accounts, 點搞?
  • 講到人心惶惶, 一日你食到幾多條先?

星期二, 9月 16, 2008

星期美點 WEEK 37(7/9 ~ 13/9)

  • 立會選舉投了票給盲毛, 原因係估計過泛民的癲狗同阿桃足夠當選有餘, 神聖一票當然投給有需要之人士, 沒想到會輸俾鼠后, 繼上次投老虎仔衰咗之後, 今年又衰一鑊, 想點? 投邊個, 衰邊個, 下年係咪要投DAB?
  • 港島區有何EE當選, 踼走菜瘦肉, 可謂大快人心, 泛民罕有地贏出漂亮一役
  • 會計界由三位候選人中最乞人憎之波波勝出, 呢四年各位同行都自求多福了, 建制派之實力不容小覷
  • 做完了一個爆出三倍time cost budget的case, 以為會被狠狠地修理一頓, 點知老細都無乜點Q我就出咗, 反而唔係好自在, 可能佢都無眼睇, 下年再做都唔知點算
  • 狂賀! 費大哥殺退梅利勇奪13th Grand Slam, 強, 追平甚至超越Sampras14個大滿貫紀錄再現希望, add oil! Fans威力不容睇少, 件衫在尖咀某大運動服連鎖店賣到斷碼, 結果走返去MK波鞋街至買得返, 萬幸
  • 睇完夏季日劇《Code Blue》, 其實無想像中咁好睇, 不過Mr Children首主題Hanabi好好聽為配樂加咗唔少分, 加上有新垣, 至追得完全劇完
  • 花滿樓的水煮牛肉, 連不好辣的Ms Wong都食得落口, 其實唔係好辣, 勝在牛肉夠鮮味又夠滑

星期日, 9月 07, 2008

星期美點 WEEK 36(31/8 ~ 6/9)

  • 為了綾瀨遙而走去《睇我的機械人女友》, 原來沒有失望, 綾瀨遙演的機械人女友確實精彩, 既有機械人剛強的一面, 亦有女友其柔弱的一面, 選角人抵讚, 結局的時空交錯有點混亂, 可以的話再睇多次會好些少, 整體來說已是水準以上之作
  • 係咪笑料嚟?保特識踢波?
  • 華倫 3-0 贏馬略卡, Vicente有士哥, 希望有個好開始
  • 費大哥剛好在打風之前KO祖高域, 起碼比拿度/梅利的勝方多一天之休息時間, 第十三個Grand Slam在望

  • 好快有Google chrome用, 希望會進一步推動瀏覽器市場的發展, FF在這方面發展得不錯, Google想再分一杯羮要加倍努力才行

  • 紅到上版, 意料之外, 大婆台啲偽人可以laid off
    Maple | 5th Sep 2008, 23:07 | 報刊摘要 | (600 Reads)

    丹尼爾石仔搞gag當紅 評述奧運變棟篤笑
    網民開fans club 人數一週達2500 3/9/2008



    明珠台的粵語評述陳恩能和石金華,既無港姐的美貌,亦自認沒有徐嘉樂專業。但有網民率先在blog內細心記錄二人200條搞笑金句;有人於facebook成立他們的fans club,一週內人數突破2500,在網民當道的新世代中,他們紅了。

    堅稱事前無度gag 臨時自由發揮


    直播時笑到「捐」入檯底 熄咪10秒


    難忘亂評激流獨木舟 扯到雙城記

    石仔憶述最難忘的大笑經驗﹕「有一次直播激流獨木舟,個畫面係直升機係上空影住個水上公園成5分鐘,於是我地就亂講,由水流方向講到世界上仲有無呢類水上公園,再講布達佩斯其實係兩個城市,講到去分開布達同佩斯條河係萊茵河,最後講到雙城記。點知第二日突然捉左我去高清台評述,當時桂神(黃興桂)已經坐係度。我一坐低佢遞張紙埋黎,上面寫住布達佩斯條河係多瑙河,我地即刻笑到出唔到聲,我趕左桂神出去,因為我見到佢笑我都收唔到聲,結果佢笑左5分鐘先返入黎。」丹尼爾插嘴﹕「桂神既笑聲唔係哈哈大笑,係『kit kit'聲,我地好多時笑都係因為佢既笑聲。」如此過癮的節目風格,監製可有異議?「唔會,因為監製自己都笑緊。」

    丹尼爾否認自己騎呢﹕ 「因為我唔想做騎呢怪。但我平時都鍾意搞gag,即係有乜野都會兜個圈講。但我唔鍾意『搞爛gag'呢個term囉,咩叫爛gag先?」石仔開始為自己的 gag辯護﹕「好似呢句拿度食緊大蕉,我講埋大蕉有一個重要功用係通便。我識一個長者一日唔食大蕉就去唔到(廁所),呢個係中國人的常識!」




