星期美點 WEEK 41(5/10 ~ 11/10)
- 6/10 Dow Jones Index 跌至9,950.88 -374.50 (-3.63%), 跌破一萬點, 今年內會否低見至9000?
- 好佩服 Citi 做 M&A 個deal的老友, 除非Wachovia個CEO同Chairman係文盲, 唔係的話我諗唔到有乜理由同你去deal?
- Wells Fargo (WFC, Fortune 500) wants to buy all of Wachovia for about $15.7 billion, or $7 a share. Citigroup (C, Fortune 500) announced four days before Wells swooped in with its bid that it planned to buy just the banking assets of Wachovia for about $2.2 billion, or $1 a share.
- 三日前想過的問題, 三日後美國佬就俾到答案你, 效率高到你唔信, 使唔使掟得咁盡呀? 要$唔要貨都唔係咁樣嚇譁
Stocks: 5-year lows
Dow falls below 9,000 for first time since '03 - on the 1-year anniversary of all-time high.
By Alexandra Twin, CNNMoney.com senior writer
Last Updated: October 9, 2008: 3:47 PM ET
To put in perspective just how hard the stock market has been hit over the last 12 months: a year ago today the Dow closed at an all-time high of 14,164.53. As of Wednesday's close, it has lost 33%.Also a year ago today, the S&P 500 hit an all-time high of 1565.15. As of Wednesday's close, it had lost 37%.
The Nasdaq has never come close to its record of 5048.62 hit on March 10, 2000, at the end of the tech bubble. But after hitting a six-year high of 2859.12 last Halloween, the Nasdaq has slipped 40%, as of Wednesday's close.
- 香港都開始受 tsunami 影響, 如果唔係德銀等$使call loan, U-right會唔會唔做死......
一直被債務問題困擾,由上月中停牌至今的佑威國際(0627.HK)(0627.HK - 新聞 - 公司資料),昨日(8日)被權銀行德意志正式入稟高院申請清盤。昨日約有100名員工接獲解僱信,並要求即時簽署,但由於信中沒有交代欠薪、代通知金及遣散費等詳情,部份員工拒簽署。
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